Human Factors in living lab research: how to get started


Wednesday, 8th September, 11:30 -13:00 CEST


Human Factors studies simulate real-life circumstances using a multi-method approach. During the workshop we will immerse you into the practical organization of this method.  


Human Factors research is still in its infancy in healthcare. However, studies simulating challenging real-life circumstances using a multi-method approach provide important user insights. LiCalab, Living and Care Lab in Belgium, has many positive experiences using this methodology through the innovation process.  LiCalab submitted the paper ‘Human Factors in living lab research’ in the Challenges of Living Labs track. This paper aims to inform the living lab community on how human factors methodologies can play a role in an iterative development cycle.

The outcome of a Human Factors study is a documentation of usage and errors in a simulated context.  Subjective experiences and preferences can be assessed in a safe and controlled test environment. When the prototype is not field ready yet or if it has a high impact on users’ safety, a Human Factors study can provide insights on openness towards the product, product safety, ease of use and contextual fit.
Building further on the paper, this workshop goes into more detail regarding the practical organization of such a study. Thus, participants will have a practical guide to set up a Human Factors study.


Where the paper of our colleague Nele De Witte ‘Human Factors in living lab research’ gives a more theoretical overview and considerations regarding Human Factors in living lab research, this workshop will focus on practical organization of setting up a Human Factors Study. We will address many different questions in our workshop, such as when to use this method during your innovation process, what are the advantages and points of attention of this methodology, what about the sample of participants, how to get started with the test protocol and how to carry out the protocol. These aspects will be covered during the workshop and will provide participants with the necessary background and hands on experience to start designing their own Human Factors studies. 


After the workshop, participants have practical guidelines in setting up a Human Factors study. Going from designing the test protocol to selecting the sample of participants to rather the logistical organization. 



00:00 Welcome & introduction
00:10 Icebreaker – poll
00:20: Presentation: what, when, how to use Human Factors studies
00:30 Used cases
00:45: breakout rooms: template (Miro) designing your own HF study
01:15 Plenary: Q&A, take home messages

In this workshop, we introduce a rather new method in living lab and healthcare research. Human Factors studies are a meaningful addition to the methods of co-creation and real-life testing.
Participants are introduced to this new method and given many practical tips for carrying it out themselves.


This workshop is interesting for facilitators of living lab activities, project managers, researchers, product developers. The used cases are health related but the practical guidelines can be applied by other Living Lab themes.