Cross-cultural imaginaries, collective agencies: exploring planetary health


Wednesday, 8th September, 11:30 -13:00 CEST


Introduction and collaborative exploration of anticipation as co-creative approach to planetary health via a three-step world- and sensemaking exercise.


As awareness of the interdependencies of climate and well-being concerns increases, so does the interest in holistic approaches to co-creation. Given the growing sense of urgency and a corresponding interest in planetary perspectives shared across a wide range of actors, it seems counter-intuitive to turn away from the here and now. And yet this is exactly what we wish to do – make the case for anticipatory practices that keep the future open. As much as we appreciate the overdue attention paid to the climate crisis, emergency responses cannot replace the careful design of futures. The workshop addresses the “counter-intuitive” challenge of co-creating multiple futures to better identify the possibilities for action here and now.


The workshop aims to introduce participants to structured engagement with anticipation based on a three-step world- and sensemaking approach developed by the anticipate network:

PHASE 1: make a world – create ecosystems + actants.

PHASE 2: bring your world alive – create values + conflicts. Participants engage through questions such as What are 3 key values governing life in your world? What are 3 major conflicts in your world?

PHASE 3: build a bridge to the w – create modes of sensemaking + build bridges across worlds.

This approach aims to facilitate our shared understanding of collective agency (including human as well as non-human actors), the role values and conflicts play in shaping ecosystemic interactions, and the complexity of creating modes of sensemaking that include such a wide range of actants as key elements of a planetary health perspective.


A shared understanding of collective agency (including human as well as non-human actors), of the role values and conflicts play in shaping ecosystemic interactions, and of the complexity of creating modes of sensemaking that include such a wide range of actants as key elements of a planetary health perspective.

A shared experience that demonstrates how an anticipatory approach to “worldmaking” can lower engagement thresholds with what is often considered an abstract concern – planetary health.

A shared feeling of mutual support and trust that collective agency can be built in multiple transformation contexts, relieving the sense of being overwhelmed by crisis.

A beautifully designed printable blueprint of the three-step world- and sensemaking approach to explore with your organizational members and get them involved in the iteration of the next version of the approach.


Check-in, who is present, access to shared document via chat, co-creative / simultaneous mapping of all participants on “whiteboard” with structured identity-cards to facilitate follow-up

Thematic intro, what you will do / learn

Phase 1 (small groups with 2 co-facilitators / ea)
Phase 2 (small groups with 2 co-facilitators / ea)
Phase 3 (small groups with 2 co-facilitators / ea)
Check-outs / sharing of key learnings in small groups
Phase 1 follow-up / iteration of world designs across groups
Phase 2 follow-up / iteration of values designs across groups
Phase 3 follow-up  / iteration of modes of sense-making designs across groups
Avenues for in-depth engagement / follow-up


This workshop is for anyone who feels, thinks, or wonders whether more people should be involved in the co-design of the socio-technological systems structuring and sustaining the ways in which we live and labor. Don’t assume that such discussions are for experts, assume that you have a role to play and can make a useful contribution to anticipatory technology assessment. And remember that anyone can tell a what-if story – that is really (ok almost) everything you need to know to get involved.